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Bust Care

Bust Serum

Pure essential oil in a cream base to give your bust a firm, full rounded shape. Apply 4 to 5 drops andmassage the cream clockwise 10 times. More effective with AM and PM usage.

Expert Tip: Use AM and PM. Massage both breasts 10 times clockwise. Cleanse and apply AXM Bust Serum for best results.

Minyak essential murni dalam bentuk krim untuk payudara yang lebih terbentuk dan tegang. Sapu 4 ke 5 titis dan urut krim tersebut mengikut arah jam sebanyak 10 kali. Untuk kesan lebih nyata, guna setiap pagi dan malam.

Saranan Penggunaan: Guna setiap pagi dan malam. Urut kedua-dua belah payudara anda mengikut arah jam sebanyak 10 kali. Bersihkan dan sapu AXM Bust Serum untuk mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih baik.

BB Cream

AXM BB protection Cream protects your skin from harmful effects of the sun and airborne pollutants.

Famous Clay

Modern leaving is under pollutant, our involvement of daily routine work is under various environmental

Hair Serum

AXM hair serum penetrates the hair cuticles and causes changes to hair structure. AXM serum design as

Refining Toner

AXM Refining Toner helps the natural function of your skin. It also helps reduce shininess by balancing